Saturday, December 12, 2009

Abby's First Piano Recital

Abby, along with about 10 fellow students, had here first piano recital today. I remember being in her shoes when I was younger. Now it's her turn to play, and my turn to be the nervous parent in the audience.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Houston Frozen Over

They kept saying we would get it, and we did. Friday morning it snowed. In fact, it snowed the biggest snow flakes I have ever seen. They weren't really snow flakes. More like snow balls. The snow melted immediately. But eventually. It did stick. It melted by afternoon. But then the temperature dipped into the low 20's overnight - causing road icing problems. The natives of Houston have absolutely no idea what to do with this. They can handle a hurricane. But they can't handle snow and or ice. O well, it was fun while it lasted. It was the earliest snowfall on record and we had record lows over Friday and Saturday. Global warming anyone?

Sunday, we heard a great song on the radio. I thought it was appropriate in light of the weather and the season. Great family shots in the video. But, not mine.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thanksgiving Visit

We had guests during Thanksgiving week.  Sheri’s parents and her grandmother joined us.  As in the past, we had a number of projects on the house – repairs and the like – that Sheri’s father, Rick was willing to tackle.  I had most of the week off, so I was able to join him in some of the work.

For Thanksgiving dinner, Sheri tried a couple of new recipes: one for stuffing and another for mashed potatoes.  Both turned out great. 

They also had an opportunity to hear me preach on Sunday, the 29th. 

Thanks for the visit and thanks for all your help!