Saturday, April 19, 2008

What Took Seconds to Destroy Takes Hours to Fix

This morning, two members of Hope came over and repaired the hole I created when I fell through last Saturday. Everything went smoothly and by noon, it was finished. One of them will return tomorrow afternoon to put on another coat of mud.

Just another example of how the Body of Christ works. When one member of the Body rejoices, we all rejoice. When one person hurts, everyone hurts and offers comfort and help. And this day, the rest of the Body Helped me and my family. Thanks be to God!

Cricket Anyone?

Today, we had a cloudless sky and beautiful, dry (for Houston) weather. The girls spent most of the day outside. They have invented many games. But one game I "invented" with them is Cricket. The game we play is loosely (and I use "loosely" in the loosest possible manner) based upon the traditional game played throughout the Commonwealth. I am always the bowler. I bowl a large plastic playground ball down the pitch (our sideyard) where Abby attempts to hit it with a large plastic bat. She has gotten pretty good at wacking it. The goal is to hit it as far as you can. No score is kept, and we never change sides. When she hits it really hard, she and I just burst our laughing. What better way to spend a Saturday afternoon?

Friday, April 18, 2008

Sheet rock will not hold you

Last Saturday (April 12th), I was up in the attic putting some stuff away. I saw something unusual in the framing over the portion of the attic that has no decking. I went to investigate, lost my balance, and fell through, feet first, into the kitchen. I hit the sink first, then fell onto the floor. Everyone else was outside at the time. I collected myself and went outside to find Sheri. Later on, we went to a 24 hour clinic that declared my right elbow broken (fortunately, I am left-handed). The big issue was that I was scheduled to lead worship and preach the next day. Pastor Ralph (the senior rev.) was out of town. So I HAD to be ready. We made some modifications and with a lot of lay assistance, two worship services were conducted successfully.
I saw an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday. We took some better x-rays and found a very small crack in one of the bones in my elbow. No surgery. No cast. Thank God! Pain has subsided and flexibility and range of motion is improving. I follow up in two weeks