Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

A most merry Christmas from us to you! This photo was taken on Abby's new camera (though it's obvious she didn't take this photo.)
She brought it to church Christmas morning so she would have a chance to try out her camera.
Once again, may each of you have a most blessed celebration of the Christ child and a happy and healthy new year.

Jon, Sheri, Abby, and Emma Petering

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Emma's Looses First Tooth

The headline tells the story. (And please, kindly ignore the "breakfast" around her mouth. We took the pic early in the morning.) Emma finally lost her first tooth. Unlike her sister, Emma lost it at school - in the library. She came home Tuesday proudly wearing a little tooth-shaped plastic case around her neck with said tooth inside. According to Emma, when you lose a tooth at school, they send you to the school nurse who issues the tooth case.
And yes, the Tooth Fairy left evidence of her arrival overnight.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Camping 2010

Camping has become an annual autumn vacation for us. For the past three years, we have journeyed to Garner State Park - about 2 hours northwest of San Antonio. The plan was to go with friends this year, but last-minute illness prevented that plan from happening. So, last Thursday morning, we began the 5 1/2 hour journey to Garner.
Once there, we set up camp in a new location for us, but quite close to where we have been before. This time, we added electricity to the mix. And I have to say, once you go electric, you never go back! It was great having a coffee maker, lights, and the ability to recharge devices.
The weather was not as good as was hoped. We encountered rain nearly every day. The longest it ever rained was about an hour, so that wasn't too bad. The ground was quite dry, so it soaked the rain up instead of making mud.
The girls 8th birthday took place the Friday we were there. So, we celebrated camping style - with gifts we brought plus peach cobbler made over an open fire as their "birthday cake."
We spent quite a bit of time exploring the Frio River. And I did convince Sheri to hike up a trail into the hills (almost mountains) to see the Crystal Cave. It wasn't too far only about a mile - but that's a hard climb up and a steep climb back down. It's not much of a cave, but it's something. I think what impressed her the most was the view.
We headed back on Sunday morning. Oh, and one more thing we did new: we visited Bucee's in Luling, TX on our way out and on our way back. For you Texas folk, you know what I'm talking about. But for those of you who don't know, check out the link. Let's just say it's the biggest Texas-sized gas station in Texas with 30 gas pumps, as big as a large grocery store inside, and some of the largest restrooms in the world. One recommendation - don't stop there on Sunday like we did. WAY to crowded!
Good trip, good times, and we will do it again.

Camping 2010 Photos

Saturday, October 9, 2010

This Week in Our Household

Sheri had surgery on Monday. She has been suffering from chronic sinusitis and other sinus problems for a long time. An ENT recommended she have surgery to correct the problem: a deviated septum. Sheri came through surgery fine and is recovering well.
On Wednesday, our congregation has a number of activities such as Children's choirs and chimes and bells and iYouth and SWAT and worship at 7 pm. There's a meal thrown in there for everyone as well. Anyway, we are usually all there together as a family - the girls are in choir and chimes and I usually am scheduled to lead worship most Wednesdays. So, Sheri stayed at home - still recovering - leaving me to take care of the girls midst all the Wednesday evening stuff. We got thru it all okay.
Then it came time for worship. Usually, there are a couple of families with children in worship that my girls are familiar with or friends with. But that was not the case on this day. So, I put the girls in one of the back pews, gave them an order of worship, and went about my business. Abby and Emma did what they were supposed to do - be quiet, listen, sing, pray, etc. I only had to give them the evil daddy/pastor eye once. They worshipped as they have been trained. It has taken almost eight long years of hard work - mostly by Sheri - to get to this point. This Wednesday, the girls past the test. They have developed good worship habits. I could not have been more proud that day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Persistent Love

Last week, around 2 am, Truman (one of our cats), started moaning and meowing really loud. And we know what that means: he's seen another cat outside a window. So Sheri got out of bed to see what was going on. She turned on the back porch light and saw Milo! Another one of our cats. He must have gotten out when we let the dogs outside to "take care of business" just before we went to bed. She saw him run and called out to me, "Milo's outside!" And I thought, "What???" and got out of bed and went outside with Sheri. We couldn't see him. So we got some flashlights and started looking around our yard and our neighbors'. Nothing. After about 15 minutes, I started thinking to myself: "You know, Milo's a street cat (he literally blew into our neighborhood and we adopted him.) He can take care of himself tonight. We can find him by daylight in the morning and he will probably be waiting right by the door." I told all that to Sheri and I went back to bed.
But Sheri kept at it. She just kept looking. She came back inside and got some cat food and took it outside and called for him to come. And a little while later, I heard her say, "I found him!" I jumped out of bed, went back outside, and saw Sheri with a flashlight trained on Milo, who was just sitting there crying. I said, "Don't move! Keep the flashlight on him!" And I walked around and picked him up.
I gave up, but Sheri was persistent. She had to get Milo that very night because of her love for him - a lot like the love our God has for us as he goes after and finds his lost sheep like you and me. A lot like the love God has shown us in Christ.

Monday, August 23, 2010

1st Day of 2nd Grade

Today the girls started 2nd grade. They didn't seem as excited as they were for Kindergarten and for 1st grade. It has kind of become a bit routine now - getting back into the same routine of getting up at 6 am to catch a 7 am bus - going to a now familiar school but just a different classroom - getting off the bus at 3. Both girls seemed more excited when they got home. I don't think they'll be quite so excited tomorrow - I fear the homework will begin.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tour De Cure

This September, I'm riding in the Tour de Cure to raise money for Diabetes research. Click here to go to my fundraising page. I still need to get a photo or two up there. But I really want a cool action shot of me riding - and that's something I don't have...yet. Stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Vacation Time

We're going on vacation! We are headed north to St. Louis for a once-in-a -lifetime opportunity: to celebrate my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. My sister and her family and a number of uncles and aunts will be there as well. We looking forward to seeing them and the celebration. But we aren't looking forward to the drive: 2 days. First day we travel 13 or so hours to Jackson, TN to stay overnight with Sheri's folks. And then another 5 hours to St. Louis the next morning. We will be visiting our Jackson people for a few days on our way back.
Anyway, it's good to get away for awhile.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Can You Trust?

A few weeks back, the computer on my bike failed. It is a Specialized Speedzone Wireless Computer. The bluetooth transmitter that picks up wheel speed stopped working. I did the whole change the batteries and reset the computer to no avail. So I looked to see what kind of warranty Specialized offered. The manual said it had a two year warranty. But I had to ship the computer back to Specialized where they would repair or replace. I send it in and trust that Specialized would honor the warranty? (Meaning I'm without a bike computer for a few weeks.) Or do I just buy a new one? It comes down to trust. Can I trust a company to keep its word? Twenty years ago or so, this wouldn't even be a question. But with the way many companies have recently betrayed the public trust, (just watch the Nightly News every night!) I had to make a serious decision. So I decided to go for it.
About two weeks later, a FedEx package arrives at the door. Inside was a brand new computer! Specialized came thru and honored their warranty. The weird part is that I was suprised at all. I shouldn't have been. A company should back its products and honor their warranties. But I cannot deny that I wasn't surprised. While I commend Specialized for doing the right thing and I will continue to do business with them, the fact I was surprised says something about the state of commerce and public distrust in America today - that I fully expected them not to do the right thing.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

School's Out

Yeah!!! Today was the last day of school for the year for Abby and Emma. They have now completed 1st grade. Bonus: We don't have to get up at 6 am to get them on the 7 am bus. Downside: I loose my "date days" with Sheri on Fridays.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Forty One

Yesterday was my birthday - my 41st. I woke up thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal. But it evolved into something somewhat significant for me. The first moments of the day included receiving gifts from Sheri and the girls: An iPod Touch (how cool is that) and a couple of nice dress shirts with matching ties - very nice. Later, I got to work and at 9:00 am, the entire staff met for our usual Monday Morning meeting. As each staff member entered the room, the told me "Happy Birthday." And then they decided to take me to lunch. Later that afternoon, I opened up Facebook and found that dozens of my friends from all over the country had taken the time to wish me a happy birthday. That evening, I enjoyed a nice dinner at home with my family, followed by phone calls from my sister and from my parents.

I was just going to write off the day as a tick on my personal odometer. But all of these people in my life made it so much more. I am truly blessed beyond imagination. I, a sinner worthy of nothing, have been chosen by my God to be his child through baptism and has called me to be an ordained servant of the Word among some amazing people. My Heavenly Father has taken care of all my needs - most especially the gift of salvation through my Lord Jesus Christ. I have a wife with whom I am privileged to share my life and she shares her life with me. We have been blessed with the gift of two beautiful and incredible daughters. And yesterday, so many people took the time to share in my day.

Forty One isn't so bad after all.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Abby's Spring Recital

Abby gave her spring recital today. Her pieces include "Brother John" and "Graduation Song."

Monday, April 19, 2010


Abby and Emma and some of the neighborhood kids were all playing early this evening. Abby came running toward our house and said, "I need some tape." And I, of course asked why. She said, "For the roly poly grave. She died." Apparently, they found a dead roly poly and decided to give it a proper burial. One of the other kids made the tombstone. In case you can't read it in the photo. It says, "Mrs. Roly Poly died here." with an arrow pointing to down to the very spot where they laid her to rest.

I'm pleased my daughters and their peers are realizing their importance as stewards of God's creation.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The other day, I found this wonderful poem as I was reading to the girls from A.A. Milne's book, Now We Are Six, one of the books in his Winnie the Pooh collection. The name of the poem is "Waiting at the Window."

These are my two drops of rain
Waiting on the window-pain

I am waiting here to see
Which the winning one will be.

Both of them have different names.
One is John and one is James.

All the best and all the worst
Comes from which of them is first.

James has just begun to ooze.
He's the one I want to lose.

John is waiting to begin.
He's the one I want to win.

James is going slowly on.
Something sort of sticks to John.

John is moving off at last.
James is going pretty fast.

John is rushing down the pane.
James is going slow again.

James has met a sort of smear.
John is getting very near.

Is he going fast enough?
(James has found a piece of fluff.)

John has hurried quickly by.
(James was talking to a fly.)

Jon is there, and John has won!
Look! I told you! Here's the sun!

I thought this a great rainy-day poem - good for rainy spring day, like today. It reminded me of rainy days I spent as a child when I would sit by a window, bored, watching the raindrops run down the window. The simplicity of childhood!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Bathroom "After" Pics

The Bathroom is finished! The construction was done a week or so ago. But Sheri needed to paint and I needed to get the hardware on the walls.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Another Milestone Past

There are these things that just happen in a child's life. And in those moments, fathers typically have pre-determined roles they end up playing in those moments. And those times let you know that you truly are a father. Saturday was one of those days.

On TV, you always see the dad running alongside the child as he or she rides a bike without training wheels for the first time. That's just the way it is. That's just what fathers do. Saturday, we were watching Abby ride her bike. And as she did, the training wheels really never touched the ground. So I told her, "You know, in a couple of weeks, I think you should try riding without the training wheels." A few minutes later, Abby said, "I want to try it." Suddenly, everyone was excited. Abby and I took her bike into the garage to remove the training wheels. Sheri ran inside to get the camera. Abby put her helmet on. And elbow pads. And knee pads. And we found some gloves. We brought the bike back out into the street. I talked to Abby about what to expect and what she should do. Then I held her as she started to pedal. And then, I let go. And we went back and forth, up and down the street, with Mommy taking photos the whole time. She did it. And I started to run out of breath. She did it.

Abby is riding well...sort of. She can ride straight lines. She can stop. She still doesn't like turns and she still needs help getting started. And she did have her first fall (got to have one of those!)

Abby experienced another rite of passage. I got to experience another father moment...I let go.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Out With The Old

Our master bathroom is probably the worst room in our old house. So, we decided to do our civic duty with our tax refund and do a little remodeling. Our refund dollars will go right back into the economy and put people to work. We will be putting in a new tub with all tile surround all the way up to the ceiling, new tile floor, and all new plumbing fixtures.
Demolition started today. Fortunately, no mold or termites in the walls. We will post pics as we get them. Stay tuned.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Grandparent Visit

I am way behind documenting this! My parents were here for about five days, two weeks ago (yes, that's how far I'm behind on this blog!) They came from the cold northern reaches of America (St. Louis, MO) to visit us in our relatively warm climate of Houston. They pretty much spent the time here in "quality time." They joined us for church on Sunday. And the girls had fun playing games with them (checkers, games on Wii, and the like.) It's wierd seeing my girls play such sophisticated games. But like my last post, more evidence that they are really growing. Thanks for visiting Grandpa and Grandma!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Yes. It's Time

Yes, the girls are finally big enough. A few days ago, we modified their car seats - taking the back off of them (as they designed to do) leaving just the seat. Now, they are merely seatbelted in with the rest of us, but boosted up higher so the seatbelt hits them correctly. The girls love the freedom and so do we. Honestly, it was time for it to happen.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

We got a Wii!

Our family received some Christmas cash this year. And outside of the usual things done with cash (savings, pay off debts, etc.) we decided to get something fun and benficial for the family: we got a Nintendo Wii. We have had a blast with it since we got it. It's just hilarious to watch my little Emma clean her opponent's clock - knocking him out in Wii Sports "boxing. We have also since acquired Wii Play (good for Emma in a physical therapy sense and a lot of fun), Wii Music, and Wii Fit Plus (Sheri's purchase with some of her stole company profits.) All in all, a good purchase for lots of family fun.

Christmas 2009

Christmas celebrations at the Petering house were pretty low key. We had to work opening gifts and eating dinner around a lot of worship services.
I had not been feeling well starting already on the 23rd. But pressed through - leading 3 worship services on the 24th. Sheri and Emma got sick the evening of the 24th. On the afternoon of the 25th, I started having the "runs" big time. Sheri recovered quickly, Emma took about another day. But my "runs" problem didn't really let up until the early morning of the 27th. I was borderline serious dehydration. Double doses of Imodium AD finally stopped things. So all in all, we would just like to forget this Christmas. I know it sounds pretty bad. But that's how we feel.
Anyway, we postponed our planned "Christmas Dinner" to New Year's Day - when we could all really enjoy it. And we did. (Except for Missuri's dismal performance against Navy in the Texas Bowl. I'm glad I didn't get tickets.)
A happy, healthy!, and blessed New Year to all of you.