Thursday, May 28, 2009

Graduation Exercises

Today, Abigail and Emma participated in their Kindergarten graduation exercises at Cline Elementary. It was one of those "proud father" moments that we get to have from time to time. They sang a couple of songs and then "walked the stage" as their name was called. We had the Superintendent of Friendswood School District, Trish Hanks there as well. The girls received diplomas as well, and they look better than the diploma I got for high school! The occasion would have been more enjoyable if many of the parents could have had common courtesy for those around, and more significantly, behind them. It was tough to see as the parent pappirazi swarmed in front of the stage.

Congratulations to Abby and Emma! Look out first grade...and the high school senior class of 2021!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reflections at Forty

Another decade older. So what? I don't feel any older. Actually, I kind of feel younger. I am beginning to understand this mid-life crisis thing. It's not about being older and compensating for it. It's about doing again some of the things that I did when I was younger. For example: In my teens and through my twenties I rode my bike, a lot, just about every day. I dropped most of that in my thirties (kids and Seminary do that to you.) But recently I decided to get back on the bike. After working through the initial pain of muscles screaming, "you've got to be kidding me!", it's enjoyable again. I rode in a paceline with a number of riders yesterday. It felt great..until my lungs felt like they were going to explode. But I thought to myself, "I can do this again!"
After initially dreading the big four oh, I have come to acceptance. God in his grace and mercy has brought me this far. But the way I am beginning to see it, my forties might be better than my thirties...God willing and the creek don't rise (see post from April 20th.)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Probably Long Overdue

How long do you keep a car? Six, maybe even ten years? My bicycle, a road racing model, was over 20 years old. I want to ride, but I am almost embarrased to do so. Most people who ride around here have relatively new bikes. Sheri had a suprise for me for my birthday - an early birthday present. She had the brilliant idea that I get a new bike. I did some shopping around on the internet and found a possibility in a local bike shop - Webster Bicycle. We went, and found a model from last year, on sale at a price we could afford, and in my size! It must be the right thing to do, so we did it. They had great service at Webster and took good care of us - fitting me perfectly to the bike. So - no longer embarrased, I am back on the saddle!