Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Welcome to earth, O Noble Guest,
Through whom the sinful world is blest!
You came to share my misery
That you might share Your joy with me.

Ah, Lord, though You created all,
How weak You are, so poor and small,
That You should choose to lay Your head
Where lowly cattle lately fed!

And so it pleases You to see
This simple truth revealed to me:
That worldly honor, wealth, and might
Are weak and worthless in Your sight

Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child,
Prepare a bed, soft undefiled,
A quiet chanber set apart
For You to dwell within my heart.

(Selected verses from Martin Luther's Christmas hymn Vom Himmel Hoch - "From Heaven Above to Earth I Come")

From Jon, Sheri, Abby, and Emma, we wish you and your family a blessed Christmas celebration.

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