Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Persistent Love

Last week, around 2 am, Truman (one of our cats), started moaning and meowing really loud. And we know what that means: he's seen another cat outside a window. So Sheri got out of bed to see what was going on. She turned on the back porch light and saw Milo! Another one of our cats. He must have gotten out when we let the dogs outside to "take care of business" just before we went to bed. She saw him run and called out to me, "Milo's outside!" And I thought, "What???" and got out of bed and went outside with Sheri. We couldn't see him. So we got some flashlights and started looking around our yard and our neighbors'. Nothing. After about 15 minutes, I started thinking to myself: "You know, Milo's a street cat (he literally blew into our neighborhood and we adopted him.) He can take care of himself tonight. We can find him by daylight in the morning and he will probably be waiting right by the door." I told all that to Sheri and I went back to bed.
But Sheri kept at it. She just kept looking. She came back inside and got some cat food and took it outside and called for him to come. And a little while later, I heard her say, "I found him!" I jumped out of bed, went back outside, and saw Sheri with a flashlight trained on Milo, who was just sitting there crying. I said, "Don't move! Keep the flashlight on him!" And I walked around and picked him up.
I gave up, but Sheri was persistent. She had to get Milo that very night because of her love for him - a lot like the love our God has for us as he goes after and finds his lost sheep like you and me. A lot like the love God has shown us in Christ.

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