One of the benefits of living in Friendswood is that we are about 40 minutes away from the the Gulf. We can go to the beach on a whim if we so desire. Today is day two of our four-day "staycation" (a vacation where you stay at home). And this morning, we decided to go to the beach. We usually go to a place in Galveston called Stewart Beach - a family-friendly place with good facilities.
On this trip, Abby felt a bit-more brave. She headed out with me into the deeper water. The waves to
day were very unpredictable. And after a few minutes a rather large wave hit us - pretty much going over the top of her head. She was never in any danger. I had her hand the whole time. She did okay, but she decided she had had enough.
Philosophical thought of the day: Why does the place where land and sea meet hold so much appeal for us humans? Is this phenomenon limited to just Western Culture, or do they feel the same way in the East? Maybe it has something to do with the explorer in each one of us. The beach is the place where we can adventure into the unknown of the sea, where we are not naturally welcome (we are not designed to live in water), and still be close to where we belong: on land. It's kind of like a child adventuring out on his own, but Mom and Dad are still close enough to hear and see him.
Yet, huma
nity, with our intelligence and creativity, has taken steps to subdue the seas by venturing out in watercraft of our design - exploring and journeying beyond the safety of land to lands and adventure on the other side of the sea. Any other thoughts?
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