Sunday, January 4, 2009

Vacation, Phase III

The trip to from St. Louis back home to Friendswood, TX is too long to drive in one day. Fortunately, Mike Ada, a fellow brother pastor and classmate of mine, lives in a town called Harrison, AR - about 30 minutes south of Branson, MO. On the 2nd, we left St. Louis early and arrived around lunch. We had a great time catching up with, as Emma calls them, "Our far away friends." The Ada's have a girl about a year older than ours and a girl about a year and half younger. So our girls just jumped right into play with them. The last time we saw them, Chris was pregnant with their son. So this visit, we got to see Joel for the first time. And he is all boy! We talked for hours, and had a great dinner with them. After we put the girls to bed, we talked for a few hours more, then we went to bed. We had to get up early the next morning to complete the final phase of our vacation.


Anonymous said...

Did you guys stay in Branson at all? They have some great Branson hotels you can stay at.

Rev. Jon Petering said...

We didn't stay in Branson. We only drove through Branson (or, more accurately, around) on our way to see our friends in Harrison.